Each year, Springer partners with Cincinnati Children's to bring an expert in the field of LD or ADHD to Cincinnati. The Distinguished Speaker Program this year will feature Lynn Meltzer PhD, discussing the role of Executive Function in academic success.
During this program for parents entitled "The Child Beneath the Stress: Parenting Children with Executive Function Challenges," Dr. Meltzer will help us gain a better understanding of how Executive Function skills help students cope with the stress and anxiety that can accompany the day-to-day requirements of school.
Students who receive poor grades because they fail to turn in homework, miss deadlines for projects and leave materials at home are demonstrating poor Executive Function skills, not a lack of intelligence. Academic success depends not only on mastering material, but also on planning, prioritizing and organizing, in order to meet daily obligations. During this program, Dr. Meltzer will share tips with parents on how to teach and reinforce Executive Function skills at home.
Dr. Meltzer is a well-known author/researcher in the area of Executive Function as related to attention and learning. Her book, Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom and Executive Function in Education, is used by many teachers.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sharonville Convention Center, Cincinnati OH
For more information and to register for Dr. Meltzer's program for parents >>