Springer School and Center received a gift of 100 nonfiction books in March, enough for each Middle School student to have their own copy of a book of their choice to read and discuss in small groups.
Lower School students at Springer School and Center hosted a very special visiting author in January when the parent of a classmate shared her newly published children's book, Roller Coaster Shmoller Coaster.
Springer School and Center hosted an award-winning children's book illustrator by livestreaming in November. John Parra, best known for his Latino themed children's books, connected with Springer students in their classrooms where he shared about his becoming an artist and some of the books he has illustrated.
Springer's first virtual fundraising event, A Springer Celebration! Seeds of Success, streamed on Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Instagram Live and in an alumni group on Facebook on October 30.
Plans at Springer School and Center are underway for the 2020 edition of A Springer Celebration! For this year’s event, The Giving Tree, we’ll be going back to our roots with our guest speaker for the evening, alumnus Nick Lefke.
In October, the artwork of several students from Springer School and Center was displayed in the Friendly Cities Painting Exhibition in Liuzhou, China.
The artwork of two students from Springer School and Center was chosen by the Journal of Learning Disabilities to appear on the journal’s cover in 2020.
Springer School and Center and Cincinnati Children’s are partnering to bring Marilyn Zecher, MA, CALT, to Cincinnati to speak about strategies for helping students who struggle in math.
In observance of both Learning Disability Awareness Month and ADHD Awareness Month in October, Springer School and Center is partnering with Cincinnati Children’s to bring a new documentary film to Cincinnati for an exclusive one-time screening.
The outdoor piazza at Springer School and Center received a bright upgrade in May when the Maureen Wenker Artist in Residence program brought Chicago muralist Molly Zakraijsek, “Molly Z.” to Cincinnati.