In honor of our campus expansion under construction now, we'd like to help you build your foundation of knowledge about ADHD.
This is your free access to Dr. David Anderson's Development of a Child with ADHD: What Does the Future Hold?
In the webinar, produced in collaboration with Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Dr. Anderson discusses the development of children and teens with ADHD and how they can be supported to achieve positive outcomes.
Dave Anderson, PhD, is the Vice-President of Public Engagement and Education and a senior psychologist in the ADHD and Behavior Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute. Springer hosted Dr. Anderson in 2021 as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series.
This content-rich program is about 1.5 hours long and discusses the experiences of children with ADHD, root causes of behavior and long-term outlooks. Dr. Anderson guides parents on providing supports and interventions for their children and teenagers.
With this free access, you can view the video at your convenience.