Two Important Things for Middle School
January 8, 2024Self-Awareness: 2 Ways to Help Your Child
January 29, 2024We’re well into January, so how are your new year resolutions going?
A colleague recommended a podcast series recently and I was intrigued by this episode title: “Creating a (Doable) Vision for 2024.”
It was the “doable” that caught my eye. At Springer we like to be idealistic but also realistic, so "doable" is good. See what I mean in this post by Dr. Mulcahey, “Setting an Attainable Resolution for the New Year.”
The podcast “Creating a (Doable) Vision for 2024.” is by Mindset Coach Kristen Carder of I Have ADHD. At about the 5-minute mark, she asked something that set me on a tangent of self-reflection, so I want to share it with you.
What did you do well in 2023?
Wow, this is the opposite how we typically begin setting resolutions or goals! Usually we are inclined to start from a deficit perspective, thinking of what we need to improve. But this begins from the perspective of strengths!
This could be useful to do on a weekly or even a daily basis. And, what a great conversation starter with the family?!
I almost wanted to stop listening after that, but I continued to hear more of her perspective on a creating a vision for 2024. A big piece of her method is to “Think about the kind of person you want to BE to figure out what you want to DO.” To hear more about that, listen to her podcast HERE and if you like it, check out the other episodes, too. (As a disclaimer for all the parents, it’s a podcast aimed at adults.)
I’ll leave you with this quote from the episode, to keep in mind, whether you have ADHD yourself or care for someone who does.
As ADHDers, we tend to shame ourselves for what we haven't been able to do. We often feel defeated before we even get started on a plan for a new year. But hear me out: maybe it’s okay for us to just live in reality, accept who we are, and make our plan based on where we are today. We can create our vision around a kind, compassionate way of interacting with ourselves.
Her advice is a pretty solid approach to making a resolution or goal, or if you’ve “failed” on your resolution, her approach may help reset your thinking and perhaps create a more “doable” vision for 2024...or for next week...or even just for the rest of today.