Is your high schooler becoming more independent?
February 3, 2023
Give Better Directions, Get Better Results at Home
February 17, 2023
When the phone rings in my office, I am excited to pick it up and answer questions that parents might have about their child. Often, they are calling to inquire about admissions to Springer School and Center. “What is the first step in the admissions process?”
To answer this question, I have to ask questions!
The questions I ask are similar to those posed by Whitney Hollins in her article on the Understood.org, Are My Child’s Struggles Serious Enough for an Evaluation?
- Is your child struggling in school? Are you concerned about a particular subject area? Do you have documentation or test scores that substantiate these concerns?
- Does your child’s teacher show concern? How does the teacher describe his academic skills? How are they supporting him? How is homework time going at home?
- Is your child complaining about school or learning? Does she dread going to school each morning? Is she quieter than she used to be?
- Has the school requested to evaluate your child learning? Do they want your permission to do some testing?
To determine if Springer is the right fit for your child, there are admission requirements that include evaluation information prior to acceptance. For example, a psychologist must have administered an IQ test – either the WISC or Stanford Binet. To be considered at Springer, the Full Scale IQ score should be 90 or above.
Additionally, academic testing should be included in the evaluation. Some tests that assess academic skills in relation to peers are the Woodcock Johnson (WJ), Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), or Aimsweb progress monitoring. This documentation is an important first step in helping families know if Springer’s program is what their child needs to be successful. Springer accepts this testing information from school districts and from private practicing psychologists. The choice of who does the testing is yours.
If your child has test results already, you may want to read this helpful blog post to help you understand the WISC intelligence test: Understanding IQ Test Scores.
The admissions process is about partnering together. We seek to understand your child and their learning needs, while at the same time, parents are discovering what Springer has to offer.

If you are unsure about whether your child has had testing like this, or have any questions about admission to Springer, feel free to call us and speak with Admissions Director Jill Wieging.
Understanding your child better is the goal of having an evaluation completed. Whether that new understanding leads you to Springer or down another path, you will be moving in a more positive direction!
Blogger and Director of Learning Programs, Carmen Mendoza, MEd, shares her expertise in understanding students with learning disabilities. If you have questions, please contact Carmen at .